So In Love
First of all I cannot believe it is FEBRUARY! Where as the time gone!!
But as it's February we will all be going mad for Valentines Day - however I am twisting V day this year for YOU. Yes, YOU.
Some of us would have set ourselves a new year resolution to look after ourselves a bit better (me included!) but to be honest by now most of us have totally forgotten & now we stumble upon February feeling tired, drained & need of some sunshine! (Again, me included!).
So I decided that V day 2017 will be all about YOU. My lovely clients.
So how can I help you do something for YOU during Feb?
Most clients tell me that having their nails done is a little treat for themselves. You come in with messy nails & leave with fabulous nails & feeling great.
So this month I decided to introduce the yummy Afternoon Tea Treatment Manicure & Pedicures.
In Oct last year I offered the Chocolate Treatment Pedicure & this was really popular. Many of you loved the fact it smelt good enough to eat!
So I decided, as I have a range of different Afternoon Tea flavoured products, I would offer them ALL.
Oh yes! Instead of just one during your treatment you can pick whatever one you fancy. You can even mix & match!
The Treatment Mani & Pedi's include the use of these yummy products to soak the hands/feet, exfoliate, massage & moisturise.
The gloriously yummy products I have are:
Eton Mess
Apple Crumble
Chocolate Orange
Cucumber Sandwiches
Victoria Sponge
Lemon Drizzle
So if you fancy treating YOU for V day, book a Treatment Mani and/or Pedi online (or via phone/text) & you can induldge in the fancy afternoon tea products & leave feeling relaxed, refreshed & amazing!